
Thursday 11 March 2021


On one hot day in the summer holidays my aunty, uncle,and cousin came over and they said we are going to the bouncy castle.We got some tickets and we went. It was a lot of fun but I kept falling down so I went to and and got some loles with my cousin and ice blocks for everyone but I slept all of my money on buying ice blocks for my family. When the bell rings it is someone allst is turn to jump but the bell rings every hour and my mum,dad,aunty,and uncle pad for two hours.when we were done my legs hurt so much I sat it for 1 hour and 32 minutes . When the dive was over and we were at the place we were going to eat it looked very nice and semlled very good in side but the only thing I did not like about the place was that it was hot in side so me and my cousins kept on running in side and out side every 10 minutes,so when we were done eating we went back to there new house and the only reason why we went to the bouncy castle was because of a cellabasuton of there new house. So that night we satyed at their house until it was in the afternoon and went home for church but before we went home my cousins and my brothers went for a walk around the block when the walk was over we hopped in the car and said bye and went home for church. When we went to church we saw my cousins and aunty,and uncle we said hello and then went into church.When church was done we had a movie night at our house the movie we whach is called The Monster Truck. It is about a monster that goes in a truck and likes satying and so his name is monster truck.

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