
Tuesday 28 April 2020

Resurrection Activity

  1. How is Jesus different after his Resurrection?
He seems a little bit more nicer and peaceful.
  1. How did his disciples recognise him?
They recognised him by his voice and how he broke the bread
and gave it to them. It reminded them of their last supper before
he died.
Think about what happened each time he appeared.
What did he say?  The first time he appeared to Mary he said “Woman
why are you crying?” When he first appeared to his disciples he said to
them “Peace be with you”.   He appeared to Thomas because Thomas
did not believe that he rose from the dead and he was not with the rest of
the disciples when Jesus first appeared to them, Jesus said “Peace be with
you, put your finger here and look at my hands.  Reach out your hand
and put in my side, Stop your doubting and believe.  Do you believe
because you see me?  Happy are those who believe without seeing
What was he like?  He was natural, calm and very peaceful each
time he appeared
and talked to his disciples and friends.
What did he do?  He made sure his disciples were calm and not
scared and believe he is alive so they can spread it  to the world.
What were the disciples doing?  The first time Jesus appeared to
them they were just in the house hiding from the soldiers and they
were scared and sad too because their Lord was dead.  Another
time they were fishing when Jesus appeared and called out to
them if they found any, one of them said no, Jesus told them to throw
their net to the right side and they almost couldn't pull up their net
because it was full of fish.


  1. Great answers. You have explained what happened really well and made it interesting.
